-The Indian Express The court ruled that more than 1500 cases of alleged fake encounters in Manipur in the last 20 years "must be investigated." New Delhi: The Supreme Court Friday said that indefinite deployment of armed forces in the name of restoring normalcy under AFSPA “would mock at our democratic process”, apart from symbolising a failure of the civil administration and the armed forces. The court also said that “ordinarily our armed...
Vacancies in high courts touch 470 as govt.-judiciary logjam continues -B Muralidhar Reddy
-The Hindu Differences over appointments process has meant 45% of sanctioned judges’ posts are empty Amid the continuing tussle between the government and the judiciary over the contentious clause in the Memorandum of Procedure (MoP) on appointment of judges, the number of vacancies of High Court judges has grown to 470 out of the sanctioned strength of 1079. In other words over 45 per cent of the positions of High Court judges are...
More »Fisheries subsidies: India wants WTO to provide relief to small fishermen -Amiti Sen
-The Hindu Business Line Points out that many will starve and lose their livelihood without govt support New Delhi: Citing the vulnerability of its small-scale fishing fleet and the need to ensure food security, India has demanded special and differential treatment in fishery subsidy disciplines being negotiated at the World Trade Organization (WTO) so that support to small and marginal fishermen gets exempted. In a recent meeting in Geneva on laying ground rules...
More »Rajasthan pensioners declared dead, come to Delhi with appeal -Naveed Iqbal
-The Indian Express Given their advanced age, navigating different government offices is a struggle for most. Having sat on protest outside Shahid Smarak in Jaipur for 22 days in June along with hundreds of others and trying to prove to the Rajasthan government that they are alive, Hanja Devi, 83, arrived in the national capital on Friday. Her demand remains the same — that the state government listen to them and revive...
More »APSFC formed in Arunachal
-PTI Itanagar: To implement the National Food security Act (NFSA) 2013 more effectively, the state government has constituted the Arunachal Pradesh State Food Commission (APSFC). Exercising the powers conferred under section 16 of NFSA, the state governor has delegated the Arunachal Pradesh State Information Commission as the State Food Commission with its supporting staff to discharge the work of the regulatory body for hearing of consumer grievances under the Act, an official...
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