-Express News Service A Mumbai-based RTI Activist, who had sought information on various issues including the Adarsh Society scam, was found unconscious by roadside at Palsana in Surat district on Sunday. He later told the police that he was abducted by a gang in Mumbai. Santosh Tiwari (42), a former employee of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) who now works as a security consultant for a private firm, was found unconscious...
Manmohan's RTI speech revives old chestnuts by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra demanded on Friday that the Central Information Commission be upgraded to the status of a Constitutional authority along the lines of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. RTI circles interpreted Mr. Mishra's intervention, coming after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's call for a critical look at the Right to Information Act, as an effort to safeguard the Act and the...
More »PM Manmohan Singh calls for review of RTI Act
-The Economic Times Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called for a review of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, one of the UPA's trophy legislations, potentially exposing the government to a fresh stand-off with civil society. Addressing a two-day annual convention of the Central Information Commission here, Singh said the transparency law should not adversely affect deliberative processes in the government and discourage honest, well-meaning public servants from voicing their views. He...
More »Singh articulates concern over RTI
-The Telegraph Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today called for a re-look at the Right to Information Act to ensure it is used only in the public interest. At the same time, he ruled out any dilution of the law and said “empowering our citizens” with RTI was a “huge step forward” towards “curbing corruption and improving the process of governance”. Singh promised to build on “these achievements” by bringing legislation to protect...
More »If RTI hinders governance, it should be looked into: Soni
-PTI The RTI Act needs to be looked into if it hinders governance, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni on Friday said. “...What the Prime Minister has said is that in certain areas if RTI is used in a way with a purpose of hindering governance then one has to look at that. “When Prime Minister says something, we accept it as the statement of the government. So there is no need to...
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