-The Hindu In yet another instance of highhandedness and inhuman behaviour, the Uttar Pradesh police severely beat up the three-year-old daughter of an under-trial prisoner just because he took the child in his arms. He was trying to pacify the child, who had started crying when the police took him intocustody at the court premises. Upset with the media report regarding the incident, the National Human Rights Commission, which suo motu took...
West Bengal EC to move court, again, on rural polls order-Marcus Dam
-The Hindu It wants the court to delete certain expressions from its verdict Kolkata: In a significant development, the West Bengal State Election Commission has decided to file an application before the Calcutta High Court seeking the deletion of certain expressions the Court made in its ruling in the dispute between the Commission and the State government over rural elections in the State. "We have decided to take the appropriate steps to...
More »Village panchayat orders ‘rapist’ to be burnt alive
-The Indian Express Lucknow: The Kusaili village panchayat in Etawah district has announced that they would burn a man allegedly involved in the gangrape of a minor girl, who was forcibly detained and sexually assaulted for about a week. The accused, who belongs to the same village, is absconding. The panchayat was held on Sunday evening after a case of gangrape and illegal detention of the victim was lodged at the Chaubia...
More »Why Orissa mining may not go the Goa way -Meera Mohanty
-The Economic Times Three weeks ago, when the Supreme Court reopened the iron-ore mining door some more in Karnataka, miners in Orissa breathed a Rs 50,000 crore sigh of relief. Also in the dock for some offences of a similar nature, Orissa's iron-ore miners, who produce a third of this mineral that is critical to steel, had been dreading their Fate, which lay in the hands of a Central government panel. The...
More »Haves and have-nots, chained by loss-Sanjay Mandal
-The Telegraph Bengal - Defrauded Many households in Calcutta have a domestic help or a driver who has lost money by investing in Saradha schemes - a common thread that has spun a perception that the poor are the sole victims of the sham company. But Sudipta Sen's promise of high returns had blurred the divide between the haves and the have-nots as well as the educated and the uneducated. Travels across the semi-urban...
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