-The New Indian Express These scheduled medicines constitute about 18 per cent of the total domestic pharma retail market, valued around Rs 1.5 trillion. NEW DELHI: Prices of over 800 drugs under the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM), including paracetamol, common antibiotics like azithromycin, doxycycline and medications for hypertension, diabetes and COVID-19 will increase by 10.7 per cent starting Friday. Activists slammed the move saying that it would hit the pockets of...
Civil society members are unhappy with the abysmal rise in notified wage rates for MGNREGA in FY 2022-23
-Joint Press Note released by NREGA Sangharsh Morcha network and People’s Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG) dated March 31, 2022 The wage rates for NREGA workers for FY 2022-23 were notied on 28.03.2022. The notication of the wage rate has been extremely late, with only 3 days remaining for the beginning of the next nancial year. Such a delay prevents any discussion or debate regarding the wage rates or their adequacy....
More »Indigenous Gujaratis Win River Linking Pause
-TheCitizen.in 7 dams, 3 weirs, 2 tunnels and a canal A people’s movement against a river linking project in Gujarat and Maharashtra has won a significant victory in south Gujarat, where Adivasi dominated areas have been on the boil the last few weeks over plans to execute a Par-Tapi-Narmada interlinking project that would divert the “surplus water” of these rivers in the Western Ghats to water scarce areas in Kutch and Saurashtra. Media...
More »Pratik Sinha, the co-founder of the site Alt News, interviewed by Rohan Datta (The Telegraph)
-The Telegraph An interview with the Alt News co-founder on his new Kolkata office, his fact-checking mission and more Alt News, the popular fact-checking website, has recently opened an office in Kolkata. Pratik Sinha, the co-founder of the site, has shifted to the city to spearhead Alt News’s activities here. My Kolkata spoke to Sinha about his fight against both misinformation and disinformation, which is deliberate deception; his vision for Alt News;...
More »Day after massive blaze, Delhi’s garbage dump still smouldering -Karn Pratap Singh
-The Hindustan Times Delhi Police registered a first information report in connection with the landfill fire against unknown persons on Tuesday. New Delhi: Over 30 hours after a major fire broke out at east Delhi’s Ghazipur landfill site -- Delhi’s biggest waste dump -- firefighters on Tuesday continued to put out the blaze even as they battled swampy stretches, a hostile terrain which their vehicles could not tread, challenge to reach the...
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