-The Times of India In English Vinglish, her big comeback movie last year, Sridevi's Shashi Godbole was a small-scale caterer in Pune before the movie's arc took her to the US. We saw her efficiency at making boondi laddoos, we saw that her clients loved them and we know she made a little money from it. But we also saw how little her enterprise mattered to her family, and that her...
How GDP understates economic growth-Bill Gates
-The Guardian GDP may be an inaccurate indicator in sub-Saharan Africa, which is a concern for those who want to use statistics to help the world's poorest people Even in good financial times, development aid budgets are hardly overflowing. Government leaders and donors must make hard decisions about where to focus their limited resources. How do you decide which countries should get low-cost loans or cheaper vaccines, and which can afford to...
More »RTI applicant told to collect info personally from sarpanch -Bharat Khanna
-The Hindustan Times Mansa: In a bizarre reply under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, officials of the zila parishad had asked an RTI applicant, Hardev Singh, a resident of Dhingar village, to collect information from his village sarpanch personally. Besides, the authorities have also violated RTI norms by sending a copy of the application to the village sarpanch, who is supposed to submit the information sought by the applicant to...
More »Age of graft -CP Chandrasekhar
-Frontline Corruption tends to be greater in periods when there is a state-engineered redistribution of wealth in favour of a few at the explicit or implicit expense of the many. Liberalisation is one such period. IT cannot be verified and may not be true. But, the view that the record of graft and corruption during the two-term, nine-year rule of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is the worst in India's post-Independence...
More »Students can seek copy, inspect answer sheets under RTI Act -Kapil Dave
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Results are out and there will be some students who will not be satisfied with their results. Those students can inspect their evaluated answer book under RTI Act, 2005. Supreme Court of India has very specifically ruled out that students can inspect their answer sheet under RTI Act and any by-laws or rules/regulation of Education Board/Examination Board cant prevent them from doing so. Gujarat Information commission...
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