-Outlook Nearly Rs 1.71 crore have been spent on foreign visits of Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, her cabinet colleagues and members of the Assembly in the past nine years. According to an RTI reply, Dikshit, her ministers and MLAs undertook around 57 foreign visits including to the US, the UK, Spain, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Germany and Switzerland and an amount of Rs 1.71 crore was spent between 2004 and October 2012. As...
Supreme Court issues directions to curb sexual harassment of women in public Transport
-The Times of India Laying down stringent procedures to curb and punish harassment of women in public Transport, the Supreme Court has ordered that in the event of a complaint of a woman, the bus driver must immediately drive the vehicle to the nearest police station. If the driver fails to do so, authorities must cancel his permit to ply. This is part of a series of directions issued on Friday by...
More »ipaidabribe.com: A website that encourages Indians to share their bribe giving experiences-Malini Goyal
-The Economic Times Something interesting happened in Mumbai last month. For the first time ever, Harvard Business School stepped out of its Boston campus to bring its leadership and corporate accountability programme for senior corporate executives to India. The programme focuses on promoting socially and financially responsible corporate conduct. In an environment where scams and business scandals are making headlines every day, the turnout for the four-day programme was expectedly impressive. "Corruption...
More »UPA's flagship scheme in CAG net
-The Times of India Houses built for the poor allotted to ineligible beneficiaries, diversion of over Rs 100 crore to unapproved ventures, and a huge lapse in completion of projects mark UPA's flagship programme for urban areas — the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has found serious lacunae and irregularities in the implementation of JNNURM in a nationwide audit that was tabled...
More »India’s crackdown on illegal mining is a huge bonus for big miners
-Reuters India’s efforts to clamp down on illegal mining have handed a $15 billion lifeline to global iron ore giants, and there could be more to come. Steps taken by central and state authorities to clean up the mining and export of iron ore have shut down output in two key producing states, slashing shipments and forcing steel mills to import a raw material the country has in abundance. Now the Shah Commission,...
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