Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee may claim that peace prevails everywhere in West Bengal since her party came to power in the state, but police records say a different story altogether. The state, according to the police records, has witnessed 642 political clashes, including those of student politics, across the districts in the first five months and eighteen days after Banerjee assumed power. A total of 926 political workers that include 128 students...
Pvt hospitals still closed for poor patients: rti reply by Pritha Chatterjee
Nearly four years after the High Court mandated reservation of 10 per cent beds and 25 per cent out-patient facilities for the poor in private hospitals in Delhi, only some have complied with the order. As per figures provided by Delhi government in an rti response to Newsline, none of the major hospitals were able to treat the mandated number of patients. The government received 91 complaints about refusal of treatment...
More »Maheshwar dam power cost put at Rs. 10 a unit by Gargi Parsai
The worst fears of the Madhya Pradesh unit of the Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA), have come true with regard to the high per unit cost of power to be produced by the controversial privately-owned Maheshwar hydro project in Madhya Pradesh: Information revealed through an rti application shows that the private company developing the dam has projected the average cost of electricity to be produced at a whopping Rs. 10 per...
More »rti man gets a taste of cops’ strong arm Kapil Dave
A man from Vasna who had filed an application under the Right to Information Act seeking to know why police stations in the city did not display essential information for the benefit of rti applicants has alleged police are using intimidatory tactics, summoning him for hearings at short notices and making him sit with criminals. Manish Benani, who owns a small printing press, had requested former police commissioner of Ahmedabad Sudhir...
More »Law Ministry to challenge CIC order on rti plea
-The Hindu The Union Law and Justice Ministry has decided to challenge the Central Information Commission (CIC) order directing it to disclose the 2007 advice tendered to A. Raja by the then Solicitor- General, Goolam E. Vahanvati. The first mention of the advice was by Mr. Raja himself — in a letter the former Telecom Minister wrote to the Prime Minister on December 26, 2007. In the letter, which was in response...
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