-The Indian Express As per the complaint, on February 23, Mumtaz's shop was set on FIRe by rioters named in the complaint. On that day, after filing an unnamed complaint with the police, Mumtaz alleged he spotted Bisht around 10 pm and heard him give a speech to a mob asking them to "find and kill Muslims" while the mob shouted, waving pistols and swords in the air. A Delhi court has...
Is the rural economy driving India’s recovery? -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth Government spending has led to demand growth in rural areas; but what if it comes down? Rural India has emerged as the saviour of the shattered Indian economy. From Ratan Tata to the governor of the Reserve Bank of India, everybody is betting on the consumption demand growth in rural areas to boost the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic-stricken economy. There is a lot of talk on the ‘green shoots’...
More »Explained: What is a technical recession? -Udit Misra
-The Indian Express Latest RBI bulletin projects contraction for a second consecutive quarter, which means the economy is in a ‘technical recession’. What does it mean, and how is it different from a ‘recession’ and a ‘recessionary phase’? In its latest monthly bulletin — for November — the Reserve Bank of India has dedicated a chapter on the “State of the economy”. The idea is to provide a monthly snapshot of some...
More »Tech Platforms Feel the Heat -CP Chandrasekhar
-NetworkIdeas.org In a move that was expected, the US Justice Department has filed an anti-trust lawsuit against internet search giant Google, alleging that it resorts to anti-competitive practices to ensure its dominance in the search engine space and, through that, over the related online advertising revenues. As a leading example the case cites the successful effort to exclude the competition through a deal, in place since 2005, in which Google pays...
More »Recession: July-Sept GDP to contract 8.6%, estimates RBI
-The Indian Express The RBI, however, said the economy will break out of contraction of the six months gone by and return to positive growth in the October-December quarter of 2020-21. Mumbai: The Indian economy likely entered into a technical recession for the FIRst time in history at the end of the FIRst half of 2020-21, according to the Reserve Bank of India. After an unprecedented decline of 23.9 per cent in GDP...
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