Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh on Friday dubbed as completely bogus Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati's charge that his letter seeking her concurrence for a CBI probe into alleged embezzlement of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) funds was politically motivated. Reacting to Ms. Mayawati's letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Mr. Ramesh denied her charge of taking up with her the fraud committed in seven districts — siphoning...
India Calcutta hospital is accused over infant deaths
-BBC Some of the parents of 12 children who died over the last two days in a hospital in the Indian city of Calcutta have accused it of negligence. The deaths of the children follows 25 similar "crib deaths" in June. Staff at the BC Roy hospital have strongly denied the negligence allegations. They say that the infants were admitted in a critical condition. But correspondents say that the hospital is overcrowded, with many...
More »India 'close to wiping out polio'
-BBC India has "never been closer" to wiping out polio, India's health minister has declared as he marked World Polio Day. There have been no new cases for more than nine months, making it the longest polio-free period since the global eradication campaign was launched. The only case reported this year was in the state of West Bengal in January. There were 39 cases reported over a similar period in 2010. India is one...
More »Interlocutors send note to West Bengal government, Maoists by Marcus Dam
The team of interlocutors appointed by the West Bengal Government to explore the possibility of peace talks with the Maoists has submitted a note on the discussions. The note was sent to the Government and the State leadership of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). It “summarises the discussions” the interlocutors had with both the sides since it was formed in July. Implicit in the note are the views of the interlocutors...
More »Do reforms matter for development? by Subir Roy
The pointlessness of the debate over Indian measures of poverty becomes clear when we look at the country’s human development record. If per capita real incomes have risen so well during the last two decades since reforms were introduced, surely that should mean better lives for most Indians. Forget about catching up with China, there is increasing evidence of India falling behind Bangladesh in terms of key human development indicators...
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