-The Hindu The Centre has decided to come up with a comprehensive legislation to deal with fake Scheduled Tribe Certificates that is used for securing employment against quota. Union Minister for Tribal Affairs V.Kishore Chandra Deo initiated the move after referring a case of this nature to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for initiating action against the wife of an IAS officer...
NHRC seeks report on hair cut for RTE students
-Deccan Herald The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has directed the Karnataka government to submit a report within four weeks on the allegation that a private school in Bangalore cut off tufts of hair of four children, admitted under the Right to Education Act quota. The Commission has also sought to know from the chief secretary whether any action had been initiated against the school authorities. The four students were admitted to first...
More »Sonia-led panel calls for revamp of 'rigid' RTE Act-Ritika Chopra
-Mail Online India Concerned over the rigidity of some provisions of the Right to Education Act, members of the National Advisory Council (NAC) are working on a report recommending review of the norms and standards laid down for schools under the legislation. The NAC, led by Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, has been advising the central government on the effective implementation of the provisions of the RTE Act. Calling the Act as excessively 'input-driven',...
More »Old diet, new recipe-Sebastian PT
-Business Today "I want it back," says Sharada Begum. The 67-year-old woman is a member of one of the 100 households of Raghubir Nagar, a resettlement colony in west Delhi, chosen to participate in a pilot scheme that aimed to turn the public distribution system (PDS) on its head. Through all of 2011, these households had Rs 1,000 transferred every month to a woman member's bank account in lieu of rice, wheat,...
More »Protests continue against haircut
-The Hindu Students turn up for classes but find errant school closed The Oxford English School on Nandini Layout, where the tuft of hair of some children admitted under the Right to Education Quota for the disadvantaged children were snipped to distinguish them from the rest, remained closed on Thursday, even as protests were staged in front of it. In the morning, children who came to the school were turned away by the...
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