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Official data corroborates deepening of livelihood crisis in urban areas during the 2020 nationwide lockdown

The recently released quarterly Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) data broadly confirms the dip in employment and jobs during the countrywide lockdown period, followed by a certain degree of recovery in the post-lockdown months last year as have been indicated by various survey-based studies and research papers. The quarterly bulletin on PLFS provides data on key employment and unemployment indicators i.e. Unemployment Rate (UR), Worker Population Ratio (WPR) and Labour...

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Study Reveals Covid-Led Job Loss is Forcing People to Beg on the Streets of Delhi: Report Those forced to take up begging due to loss of work during the pandemic include women involved in domestic work, temporary workers in hotels, Poverty unemployment. The latest study by Institute for Human Development (IHD) between February and April this year, by the Delhi government has revealed that more than half of those surveyed (52 per cent) are “new entrants” who have taken up begging during the past five years and...

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The Covid story of lost childhood -Ashwajit Singh

-The Hindu Business Line As our governments think and rethink lockdown measures and scheme policy interventions, it is time we, as a society collective, pay attention to our children on the brink of irreversible damage What does it mean to lose one’s childhood to unsung labour? What is it like when books are replaced by bricks, playgrounds by agricultural fields, plastic toys with heavy-metal machines, alphabet recitations by silent cries of help?...

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Poverty in India is on the rise again -Santosh Mehrotra and Jajati Keshari Parida

-The Hindu In the absence of CES data, the Periodic Labour Force Survey shows a rise in the absolute number of the poor India has not released its Consumption Expenditure Survey (CES) data since 2011-12. Normally a CES is conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSO) every five years. But the CES of 2017-18 (already conducted a year late) was not made public by the Government of India. Now, we hear...

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Most households in rural Bihar faced livelihood crisis during the first wave of COVID-19, reveals a recent study

The pandemic's first wave had a devastating impact on the livelihoods of rural workers in Bihar (including the self-employed) last year, according to a survey based research, jointly done by economists from Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability at Monash University, Australia and the New Delhi-based Institute for Human Development. A recent press note issued by the authors of the study shows that almost 94.4 percent of the households participating...

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