-The Indian Express The Zee-Jindal issue came up in the Lok Sabha during Question Hour on Tuesday with members expressing their concern over unethical practices in the media, including paid news and unfair reporting. While some members underlined the need for regulating the media, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Manish Tewari maintained that self-regulation was the best option. He offered to have a detailed discussion on the issue and maintained...
Only three days left, govt in a rush to push pending bills -Saubhadra Chatterji
-The Hindustan Times With just three days left before the ongoing winter session winds up, the UPA floor managers are in a hurry to clear its pending legislative agenda. For Tuesday, the government has listed as many as seven bills for discussion and passing. Top government sources indicated that it may list heavy agenda for the remaining two days as well. With a large part of the session already disrupted over the...
More »Diluted retrospective clause in Jairam’s 153 land Bill changes-Ravish Tiwari and Maneesh Chhibber
-The Indian Express In a major course correction, the 153 amendments that Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh is likely to introduce to the Land Acquisition Bill in Lok Sabha on Tuesday includes a watered-down retrospective clause. The cabinet, which met last Thursday, had established the sanctity of awards declared for ongoing land acquisition processes under the existing Land Acquisition Act, 1894 across the country. This was a rejection of Jairam’s proposal to...
More »Cabinet clears land bill, gives reforms a push
-The Hindustan Times The cabinet on Thursday cleared the land acquisition bill, paving way for its introduction in the winter session. With the new law in place, the government hopes to facilitate land acquisitions that have become a roadblock for the economy. The cabinet also removed bureaucratic hurdles that hold up highway projects. According to the provisions of the bill, consent of 80% of landowners would be needed to acquire land for private...
More »Cabinet Clears Controversial Land Acquisition BIll
-Outlook The controversial Land Acquisition Bill was today cleared by the Union Cabinet, making mandatory the consent of 80 per cent of people whose land is taken for private projects. In the case of Public-Private Partnership projects, the bill makes mandatory obtaining of consent of 70 per cent of the people whose land will be for acquired. The bill was given the go-ahead at the Cabinet presided by Prime Minister Manmonan Singh. The bill...
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