-The Pioneer Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said on Monday that though the decision-making process had slowed down after the RTI Act came into effect, the legislation had indeed facilitated transparency in governance. “Everybody has become extremely cautious (because of the RTI Act). There is no doubt that the decision-making has slowed down. In that transition period, we are moving towards much more transparent governance which will pay us dividends in future,”...
‘Justice Katju has only reiterated views (on regulating media) that were there before’ by Archna Shukla
In this Idea Exchange moderated by Senior Editor Archna Shukla, I&B minister Ambika Soni speaks about self-regulation by the media, empowering the Press Council of India and the Congress party’s stand on corruption Archna Shukla: There is a growing perception that the government is unhappy with media criticism. The editor of a leading English daily publicly claimed that government advertisements have been stopped to his publication. Is the government being vindictive? I have...
More »Identifying Poor: Ramesh Tries to Assuage Civil Society Concerns
-The Times of India The government is reaching out to civil society to avoid being caught on the wrong foot while identifying the poor. Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has written to members of the Right to Food Campaign (RFC), addressing their concerns on the manner in which poor households are being identified in the socio-economic and caste census. As part of this effort, a committee headed by Abhijit Sen has been...
More »Aquaculture to provide more than half of world consumption
-FAO Aquaculture is the world's fastest-growing source of animal protein and currently provides nearly half of all fish consumed globally, according to a report published here by FAO. The report World Aquaculture 2010 found that global production of fish from aquaculture grew more than 60 percent between 2000 and 2008, from 32.4 million tonnes to 52.5 million tonnes. It also forecasts that by 2012 more than 50 percent of the world's food...
More »FSA set for pre-poll rollout by Subodh Ghildiyal & Nitin Sethi
The National Food Security Act shall be rolled out starting next financial year spread in phases running up to the parliamentary elections, in what could be an attempt to do the loan-waiver trick in 2014. The government has finalized the bill bringing it substantially closer to the National Advisory Council recommendations. The government has resolved most of the issues that had been in contradiction with the NAC advice and intends to...
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