-BBC Police in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have registered cases against 16 police officers nearly six months after they were accused of rape. The personnel of the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) are accused of committing the crimes during protests by farmers in Bhatta-Parsaul villages. Villagers had clashed with the police in May while protesting against the government acquisition of their land. Farmers said they were being forced to give up land...
Shortages in a labour-surplus economy by N Chandra Mohan
Although India is a labour-surplus economy – with an unlimited number of workers willing to work at a subsistence wage – a paradoxical feature of the labour market is the rising incidence of scarcity or shortages amid a situation of potential plenty. No doubt, this pertains to skilled labour. But when 15 per cent of Indian trucks are idle owing to a shortage of drivers or India Inc is worried...
More »After Army, Congress now voices reservations on AFSPA revocation by Shujaat Bukhari
Omar appeasing radical political elements in the State, says Bhan Amid reports of the Defence Ministry's opposition to the withdrawal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) from certain areas in Jammu and Kashmir, the Congress, the main ally of the Omar Abdullah-led coalition government in the State, also voiced its reservations. The party also repeated its demand for rotational Chief Ministership after completion of three years of the present...
More »Half of Indian women are anaemic: India Development Report
-PTI Over a half of Indian women suffer from anaemia and a higher number of Muslim infants compared to national average (in 2005-06) lived beyond their first birthday, says a report released on Friday. The "India Human Development Report 2011", prepared by the Institute of Applied Manpower research, a Planning Commission body, says there is an increasing trend of anaemia among women of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Muslims. The report says Scheduled...
More »Government plans RTE campaign to create awareness
-The Economic Times Concerned about the lack of awareness about the legal entitlement to basic education for children up to the age of 14, the human resource development ministry has planned out a year-long community awareness and mobilisation programme. The Shiksha ka Haq Abhiyan (Right to Education campaign) will be flagged of on November 11, which is observed as Education Day, from Mewat district in Rajasthan, which has among the lowest...
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