Khap panchayats of Haryana, which have already warned Bollywood actor Aamir Khan against portraying them in 'poor LIGht' and demanded his show Satyamev Jayte be taken off air, have now summoned a meeting of all village khaps of the state. The Sarv Khap Panchayat has been called to decide the course of action to be taken against the film star and respond to his attempts of maLIGning the Khaps and intruding...
Door to Siddiqui's cubicle left unguarded
-The Hindu The door between the cubicle of suspected Indian Mujahideen operative Mohammad Qateel Siddiqui and that of his killer, Sharad Mohol, was left unguarded, and the guard and hawaldar concerned have been suspended, official sources said on Tuesday. Siddiqui, a key accused in the Bangalore blast case and suspect in the conspiracy to blow up a Pune temple, was murdered in the high-security Anda Cell of Pune's Yerwada jail last week. Sharad...
More »India’s proposal in the UN for government control of internet endangers free speech and privacy-Rajeev Chandrasekhar
If you were a tad worried about the government`s intentions to censor free speech by controlling the internet and monitoring your access to the Web through a vague and draconian legal framework - `IT Rules, 2011`, followed by an attempt to pre-screen content on Google and Facebook - you haven`t seen anything yet. In mid-2011, the success of the internet and social media in bringing down dictatorships in Egypt and Libya...
More »Tamil Nadu: Jayalalithaa condemns anti-Hindi agitation cartoon
-CNN-IBN Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has condemned the anti-Hindi agitation cartoon and demanded its immediate removal, saying that projecting the anti-Hindi agitation as "violence" is simply unacceptable. She also said that the cartoon suggesting that Tamil students did not understand English hurt Tamil sentiment. There has been a row in Tamil Nadu against a cartoon on the anti-Hindi agitation of 1965, featured in the NCERT textbooks. "Projecting anti-Hindi agitation as...
More »For Muslim women in Delhi, a breath of fresh air-Raksha Kumar
-The New York Times New Delhi: Yasmeen Khan dons her burqa and steps out of her house in the Nizamuddin neighborhood of Delhi every evening to walk a short distance to a 10-foot-high stone wall. Behind the wall is paradise - a place where she can remove her burqa and hijab, enjoy cool fresh air in her hair, exercise and gossip with friends. Hundreds of women regularly visit the "Pardah Bagh," a...
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