-Scroll.in The 45 houses of Ambedkar Nagar received no flood warning, no relief material and no visit from the authorities for a least a month. “For 36 days no one has come to check on us. Forget bringing us things and giving us help – no one has even come to ask ‘how are you’ll doing?’, ‘are you’ll safe?’, ‘are you’ll alive?’” L Pavai was in Tears as she spoke of...
Will rabi bring a better harvest? -Prerana Desai
-The Hindu Business Line Yes, but it may not wholly make up for the drought-stricken kharif season Agriculture commodity supplies are erratic in India. They are more so now, due to a second consecutive year of below-normal monsoon, which has resulted in big setbacks to the kharif crop. Edelweiss Agri Research recently took up a nation-wide crop survey to estimate the sowing intentions for the upcoming rabi season. This, along with the...
More »NITI Aayog to soon unveil policy on important sectors -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Readies White Paper on agriculture, energy, manufacturing and social development Taking forward its project of creating a national agenda in consultation with the states, the NITI Aayog will soon come out with policy papers on critical sectors such as agriculture, infrastructure, energy, manufacturing and social development. These strategic documents incorporate suggestions from state government and seek to address their concerns. Each White Paper will not only highlight key challenges facing the...
More »Once plentiful in rain, North East now faces frequent drought
Often considered to be a rain-abundant region, the North East has been receiving lesser rainfall during the South West monsoon in the recent years as compared to the 1980s and 1990s. This has been revealed in a study entitled Unprecedented drought in North East India compared to Western India done by Bikash Ranjan Parida and Bakimchandra Oinam (see the link below). Appearing in the December issue of prestigious peer-reviewed scientific...
More »Seven charts that show why India’s healthcare system needs an overhaul -Ravi Krishnan
-Livemint.com In a paper released in ‘Lancet’, a Team of researchers identified seven structural problems in India’s healthcare system Mumbai: Despite recording several gains in health in recent years, India continues to lag several health indicators such as mortality rates and malnutrition. The country carries a disproportionate burden of the world’s sick. Home to 17.5% of earth’s population, India accounts for 20% of the global burden of disease, 27% of all...
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