-The Times of India With complaints of arbitrariness in hearing of cases piling up, the Central Information Commission last week began listing out pending cases before each commissioner on its website. Cases pending before chief information commissioner Satyananda Mishra and information commissioner Shailesh Gandhi have already been uploaded while the other commissioners are likely to follow soon. This is the first time that an information commission has displayed at least a...
Satyananda Mishra, Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) interviewed by Anuradha Raman
The CIC on his recent remark that if the legislature had its way, there would have been an express provision in the RTI Act to exclude the office of the CJI Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Satyananda Mishra recently remarked that if the legislature had its way, there would have been an express provision in the law to exclude the office of the Chief Justice of India from the RTI Act....
More »MGNREGA officer got job on 'fake' papers by Bhuvaneshwar Prasad
An MGNREGA programme officer, currently posted at Bahadurganj in Kishanganj district, has landed in the soup following disclosure about his qualification under the Right To Information (RTI) Act. MGNREGA programme officer Ranjit Kumar Pramanik secured the job allegedly on the basis of a 'fake' MBA certificate, according to a response to the RTI. The officer had submitted MBA certificate claiming that he had obtained the MBA degree from L N Mishra...
More »Shehla Masood murder: CBI doubles cash reward to Rs 10l
-The Times of India The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Saturday doubled the cash reward of Rs five lakh to Rs 10 lakh for information on the murder of RTI activist Shehla Masood, who was shot dead outside her house in Bhopal on August 16, 2011. Though the agency had registered a case against unnamed persons on September 3, 2011, it increased the reward money since the motive behind the murder...
More »RTI activists appeal to collector for protection by Nandhu Sundaram
Over 75 activists protested in front of the Red Cross building here on Friday demanding protection from the government in the wake of the murder of Chennai-based RTI activist S Bhuvaneshwaran. The group also submitted a memorandum to the district collector, a copy of which has been forwarded to the cell of chief minister J Jayalalithaa. Demanding a solatium for the family of Bhuvaneshwaran, the RTI activists also sought the arrest...
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