-BBC It's early morning and local commuters are queuing up for tickets at the Kirti Nagar railway station in the Indian capital, Delhi. Along the tracks, another crowd is gathering - each person on his own, separated by a modest distance. They are among the 48% of Indians who do not have access to proper sanitation. Coming from a slum close-by, they squat among the few trees and bushes along the railway tracks...
Scheme to help farmers sell vegetables in Aurangabad -Himanshu Nitnaware
-The Times of India AURANGABAD: The agriculture department has initiated a scheme for farmers to help them sell vegetables in the city. The department would spend a sum of Rs 17 crore in the next two years for the same. Janardhan Jadhav, divisional joint director of agriculture, here said that the government allocated Rs 300 in 2011-12 under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana for implementation of a vegetable initiative for urban clusters. It...
More »Chennai to host Asia-Pacific conference on family farming
-The Hindu The regional consultation was organised by MSSRF in partnership with FAO Global experts will gather in Chennai for an Asia Pacific Conference for the International Year of Family Farming to emphasise the importance of diversified cropping patterns and integrated farming. "In the atmosphere of need to shift from food to nutrition security, the International Year of Family Farming provides a unique opportunity towards achieving this at the national and global level,"...
More »A short variety jamun cultivation fetches good rewards -MJ Prabu
-The Hindu Agriculture is a profession of patience. Apart from the time, labour and financial investment, passion is an important attribute to be successful. "An optimistic attitude is what sets successful farmers apart from the usual herd. Because a method might fail once, twice or even several times, but the grit and determination to continue trying the same can prove to be rewarding after some time. Mr. C. Jayakumar a jamun grower...
More »GPS to be used to track trucks carrying PDS foodgrains
-PTI Delhi government will track the trucks carrying foodgrains with the help of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Radio-frequency identification (RFID) devices to curb the menace of diversion of rations meant for lakhs of families which are below the poverty line. Also, SMS will be sent to the ration card holders attached to that fair price shop (FPS) about the arrival of ration commodities. The system is likely to be functional in...
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