-PTI Farmers may get up to Rs 2,250 per quintal of their common basmati paddy this season, according to experts. The forecast was made by scientists of the Agricultural Economics Department of GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, a university release said. The scientists made the forecast while working on a sub-project, 'Establishing and Networking of Market Intelligence Centres in India', of the National Agriculture Innovation Project. One of the objectives of...
Survey reveals 30% ITI grads still jobless by Chetan Chauhan
Despite industry having preference from government trained manpower about 30% of the pass-outs failed to get a job in 2009 after getting vocational training from public sector institutes, a government survey has found. The reason, according to a survey done by ministry of labour, says that non-availability of jobs or low salary were the two prime reasons for high unemployment rate in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). Most of the trainees...
More »U-turn Anna eyes team makeover by Archis Mohan
Team Anna is worried that it is increasingly coming across as the “B team” of the BJP and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Today, Anna Hazare said he wanted to restructure his team to include Muslims, Dalits, tribals and young people. It was the latest of many U-turns that Hazare has taken in recent days, on issues such as the shape of his core committee and whether his team would campaign specifically against...
More »Putting Growth In Its Place by Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen
It has to be but a means to development, not an end in itself Is India doing marvellously well, or is it failing terribly? Depending on whom you speak to, you could pick up either of those answers with some frequency. One story, very popular among a minority but a large enough group—of Indians who are doing very well (and among the media that cater largely to them)—runs something like...
More »India's official poverty line doesn't measure up by Jayati Ghosh
It is time to separate people's real needs from the arbitrary assessments of poverty that have guided Indian governments India's poverty line has always been a matter of huge debate, but it was a discussion mostly confined to economists and policymakers. But the matter has now gone public, following a row about an affidavit from the planning commission to the supreme court of India, in which the official poverty line was...
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