Total Matching Records found : 1404

25 years and still waiting by Vidya Subrahmaniam

The Anderson saga is one more reminder that the powerful can always count on official help.  In the fall of 2002, Greenpeace campaigner Casey Harell paid a surprise visit to the New York State private estate of Warren Anderson, and found him living a “life of luxury”. Nothing odd about the discovery except that in the eyes of the law Mr. Anderson was untraceable, and had been so since 1992...

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India amongst world's most corrupt nations

India continues to be one of the most corrupt nations in the world with many of its public institutions given to rampant misdeeds. Corruption is India's bane and threatens to derail its rapidly growing economy. The country ranks a dismal 84th in a list of 180 countries, according to Transparency International's 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index, a measure of domestic and public sector corruption. The corruption watchdog says that many African,...

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Satyam Computer Fraud Grows to $2.5 Billion by Nandini Lakshman

Eleven months after B. Ramalinga Raju, the former chairman of Hyderabad-based Satyam Computer Services, confessed to masterminding a $1.2 billion fraud at Indias fourth largest I.T. outsourcing company, the dirt is still tumbling out. On Nov. 24, the country's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) released findings that show the alleged fraudulent accounting and embezzlement was far larger than originally thought. Raju and nine accomplices skimmed some $2.5 billion from the...

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Crorepati MPs double in LS: ADR

The number of MPs with Assets worth over Rs one crore has doubled in the present Lok Sabha compared to the preceding one as the average worth of Assets of an MP has nearly tripled, a report has said. The number of crorepati MPs has increased from 156 in 2004 to 315 in 2009, while the average worth of Assets of an MP in the Lower House has gone up...

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Token gesture by V Venkatesan

TWENTY-ONE judges of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice of India (CJI), posted the details of their Assets on the court’s website. The details of Assets of one judge, Justice H.S. Bedi, have not yet been provided. Justice B.N. Agrawal, who retired recently, also provided the details of his Assets on the website on special request. (The details are available at http:// The court has claimed that the...

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