The central government has given over Rs.217 crore to five public sector units (PSUs) for construction of rural roads in Bihar under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), the rural development ministry said Thursday. The state-run firms, which have been given these funds include the National Projects Construction Corporation Ltd (Rs.60 crore), the IRCON International Ltd (Rs.4.19 crore) and the Central Public Works Department (Rs.46.80 crore). The other two PSUs involved...
Harassed activist seeks protection from caste abuse by Rahi Gaikwad
Gangadhar Gaikwad writes to Governor after work on his house was stalled Gangadhar Gaikwad's neighbourhood hates him. His Scheduled Caste background is a constant source of irritation. And a house that the government decided to build him is a thorn in the flesh. One fine day, construction of the house stopped. “These Mangs [an SC community in Maharashtra] have come and now they want to build a house in front of ours....
More »Farmers' fury by TK Rajalakshmi
In three districts of Haryana, they have been agitating against the land acquisition policy of the State government. WHEN farmers of western Uttar Pradesh took to the streets protesting against the acquisition of their lands and demanding a just compensation package from the State government, the central leadership of the Congress was quick to cite the example of Haryana, where, according to United Progressive Alliance chairperson Sonia Gandhi, the best policies...
More »Fault lines by Purnima S Tripathi
Activists and many residents blame a hydel project for the growing frequency of landslides in some Uttarakhand villages. THE nearly 3,500 residents of Bhatwadi village along the Uttarkashi-Gangotri highway in Uttarakhand saw their world come crashing down around them on the night of August 12/13. A massive landslide that hit the village formed cracks up to five metres wide on the highway and these crept up the hills to over 100...
More »My data versus yours by MK Venu
It’s been often asked why our officialdom, with all the intellectual capital at its command, is unable to quantify the number of the really poor in India. Is this such a difficult thing to do? It is all the more baffling because in recent times, the debate on India’s poverty has only further confounded ordinary citizens. The Planning Commission had come up with an assumed deprivation ratio of 27.5 per...
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