-The Hindustan Times A day after the police seized Saradha Group chairman Sudipta Sen's property and froze his bank accounts for duping thousands of people with his chit-fund money-trap, a PIL was filed in Calcutta high court petitioning the court to order a CBI enquiry into the Saradha Group. Income Tax officials and Left MPs have also decided to nail all those involved with the dubious firm. While the Income-Tax department is planning...
Waiting for a new chapter in life to begin-Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu From the outside, it is just one of those private schools tucked away in an obscure corner that holds out the promise of convent-education, but once you are inside the poorly-lit building -- known as House No.16 -- in South-West Delhi's Bijwasan, you are confronted by the presence of countless buzzing flies and a pervading nauseating stench. This school with cramped classrooms and no students is home to grown...
More »Minister promises safe drinking water at Rs. 2 per litreMinister promises safe drinking water at Rs. 2 per litre
-The Hindu 50 Bodhan villages in PILot project YEDAPALLY (NIZAMABAD DT.): Efforts are on to supply safe and purified drinking water at the rate of 20 paise per litre to every household in over 50 villages in Bodhan Assembly constituency. If this PILot project being undertaken at a cost of Rs. 3-4 lakh for each unit is successful, it will be extended to other villages in course of time. Disclosing this at an...
More »Finally, a consensus on land acquisition bill after six years
-The Times of India A significant part of the Manmohan Singh government's political agenda for the 2014 election looks set to sail through Parliament with an all-party meeting on Thursday putting its seal of approval on a contentious bill on land acquisition that enhances compensation for farmers. The government countered criticism that the bill's provisions make land acquisition more time consuming while pushing up costs, but all major political parties seemed...
More »States should not unjustifiably prevent internet access: UN Human Rights Commissioner Navanethem "Navi" PILlay
-PTI JOHANNESBURG: States may not prevent access to websites because they display opinions or beliefs that are critical of governments or established systems of thought, UN Human Rights Commissioner Navanethem "Navi" PILlay said here. PILlay, a South African of Indian Tamil origin, was delivering a lecture on 'Human Rights Achievements and Challenges in a Rapidly Changing World' at the University of the Witwatersrand as part of South Africa's celebration of Human Rights...
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