-PTI Law Minister Salman Khurshid on Monday said the RTI Act was being "misused" and officials and even judges feel the transparency law was transgressing into government functioning. "Undoubtedly, it has been misused. But you have to weigh misuse with usefulness of the RTI Act. We would like our life to be miserable than the life of a citizen," Khurshid said. Asked about recent remarks of Corporate Affairs Minister M Veerappa...
Private schools on strike tomorrow
-The Times of India Different associations of private schools on Monday gave a call to all the private schools to observe one-day token strike on September 28 in protest against the state government's directive to them for compulsory registration latest by September 30 to ensure implementation of the provisions of Right To Education Act. The Bihar Public School and Children Welfare Association, Private Schools and Children Welfare Association and other associations...
More »Union Ministers spent Rs 42 crore on foreign travel in 2010-11
-PTI Government has spent nearly Rs 42 crore on foreign visits by Union Ministers during the last one year. The information provided in an RTI reply shows that while Cabinet Ministers spent Rs 37.16 crore on their foreign visits, their junior colleagues, Ministers of State, spent about Rs 4.76 crore on these visits bringing the total travel expenditure to Rs 41.82 crore for the year 2010-11. The Cabinet Secretariat has given these...
More »When the RTI ‘Basmasura' chased the government by Vidya Subrahmaniam
When the controversial Finance Ministry note to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) on P. Chidambaram's role in 2G spectrum allocation was traced to a Right to Information application, there was surprise — and some concern — both within the government and in RTI circles. The government's discomfiture was understandable: The RTI Act, which was its proud creation, recoiled on it much like the boon that Lord Shiva granted Basmasura. In the...
More »Bring public-pvt projects under RTI Act: CIC by Anahita Mukherji
If you are seeking information about a creaking flyover or inflated electricity tariffs under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, what are the chances that your queries will be answered? That may well depend on whether the service or utility is provided by a public body or a public-private partnership (PPP). While the central information commission treats PPPs as public bodies that should come under the RTI; many have wriggled...
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