The Orissa government will reply to the queries made by the Centre on the Meena Gupta panel report on Posco project in the next three days, Chief Secretary B K Patnaik said on Wednesday. “We will reply to the Centre on the panel’s reports within three days,” Patnaik told reporters here. The state government did not comment on the reports of the committee for the past two days. Smarting under the Union...
Concern over National Green Tribunal Act
Forest Minister Benoy Viswom on Monday expressed apprehension that the National Green Tribunal Act, enacted by the Centre, would lead to dilution of the Forest (Conservation) Act. In a letter to Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh, Mr. Viswom called upon the Union Minister to convene a conference of State Ministers of Forests and environment to discuss issues related to the Act. Concerns Mr. Viswom said while he appreciated...
More »Neutrino lab project gets green signal by R Vasundara
The Union ministry of environment and Forests (MoEF) has given clearance to the department of atomic energy to set up a neutrino observatory in Bodi West Hills reserved forest in Theni district in south Tamil Nadu. However, the approval is subject to conditions that the project does not entail cutting down trees or causing damage to the forest cover. The MoEF has also insisted on measures to minimize the effect...
More »Posco hits Green hurdle by GS Mudur and Ashutosh Mishra
Steel giant Posco’s proposal for the largest foreign direct investment in India has failed to pass environment muster with a central panel picking flaws in the process to settle forest rights and approve the shortlisted site in Orissa. Three members of the four-person committee have recommended that the Union forest and environment ministry scrap its approvals while the remaining nominee has suggested that the exercise be carried out afresh. The panel’s recommendations...
More »Divided Posco panel's report today by Nitin Sethi
The four-member review committee on Posco will submit its report to the environment and Forests ministry on Monday but it has already got mired in controversy with the chair of the panel, ex-environment secretary Meena Gupta, expected to give a dissent note while the other members provide a unanimous majority version. The fact that the chair of the committee was the senior-most bureaucrat in MoEF when environmental clearance was given to...
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