-The Economic Times Shares of Maruti Suzuki India slipped over 2 per cent in trade on Tuesday after reports indicated that the workers at the Manesar plant are planning a hunger strike and other peaceful protests to force the company management to reinstate the 548 employees who were sacked after July's violence. At 01:20 pm, Maruti Suzuki recovered marginally and was trading 1.8 per cent lower at Rs 1453.25. It has hit...
Activists demand release of Dayamani Barla
-Pratirodh Bureau Condemning the arrest of woman tribal-activist and journalist Dayamani Barla in Jharkhand, rights activists have demanded that the "false cases" against her be dropped and that she be immediately released. The police have reopened an earlier case registered in 2006, when she spent fourteen days in Judicial Custody, after being charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. She was arrested again this month, and when granted bail on 19th...
More »The battle continues -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
-The Hindu After facing harassment and extortion at the hands of corrupt police and civic body officers over the years, the Capital’s rickshaw pullers can finally heave a sigh of relief. A far-reaching Supreme Court order in a case filed by an NGO has come to their rescue. It has put an end toimpounding and scrapping of their vehicles. However, the battle against officialdom which sees them as "vermin" continues.... Rickshaw-puller Shiv...
More »Noam Chomsky expresses solidarity with Koodankulam protesters -Manash Pratim Gohain
-The Times of India Internationally acclaimed academician Noam Chomsky of Massachusetts Institute of Technology of the United States has warned that Koodankulam could be another Bhopal disaster in waiting. In a solidarity letter to the struggling people he said: "Nuclear energy is a very dangerous initiative, particularly in countries like India, which has had more than its share of industrial disasters, Bhopal being the most famous." "I would like to express my...
More »Blundering on land and Aadhaar-Praful Bidwai
-Pratirodh.com The fanfare with which Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi launched a service delivery scheme in Rajasthan based on the Aadhaar (foundation) unique identity (UID), and celebrated the issue of the first Aadhaar number topping the 200-million mark, should make the Indian National Congress a very worried party indeed—assuming it has a good survival instinct and basic grasp of practical politics. To put it starkly, the Congress and...
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