-The Hindu In a small town in Karnataka, government-school students are working to ensure that their schools meet the infrastructure norms of the RTE Act. Can this model be replicated elsewhere in the country? Kishore Mahadevaiah, a Std VII student, is describing his ideal school. “The school should be very clean and neat. In every class, there should be teaching and learning materials and sports materials and qualified teachers. And there should...
The feeding frenzy of kleptocracy-P Sainath
-The Hindu Since 2005-06, taxes and duties for the corporate world and the rich have been written off at the rate of Rs.7 million a minute on average. Duties waived on gold and diamonds in the last 36 months equal the 2G scam amount Forbes has just added an “errata” to Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram’s budget speech. The Minister had found a mere 42,800 people in the country with a taxable...
More »UN report belies India's claims of inclusive growth-Devjyot Ghoshal
-The Business Standard This has meant the GNI per capita has more than doubled from $1,229 in 1990 In recent years, India's growth has undoubtedly been spectacular. Income growth a year has averaged about five per cent from 1990 through 2012. This has meant the gross national income (GNI) per capita (purchasing power parity, in dollar terms) has more than doubled from $1,229 in 1990. However, even if one discounts the drop in...
More »The long and short of open defecation-Dean Spears
-The Hindu There is statistical data to show that the height of Indian children is correlated to their and their neighbourhood’s access to toilets You can learn a lot from measuring children’s height. How tall a child has grown by the time she is a few years old is one of the most important indicators of her well-being. This is not because height is important in itself, but because height reflects a...
More »Sickle cell disease killing tribals, dalits in MP -Manjari Mishra
-The Times of India MANDLA/JABALPUR: Tribals in Kundam, a settlement 40 km off Jabalpur, call it a black demon, one who strikes select families and ensures an early and agonizing death by sucking its victims white. For once, medical experts couldn't agree more with this home spun wisdom that aptly describes sickle cell - an incurable genetic disorder which damages vital organs like liver, kidney, heart and spleen. The disease manifest at...
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