-The Hindu Business Line SHGs pave the road to financial independence in UP villages Three years ago, Simrikha Devi’s eightyear-old son made an unusual request. He asked for hundred rupees to buy biscuits,knowing well that his mother, a daily wager, would have to scrounge for the money. Although she was taken aback, Simrikha gave him the money. Her curiosity grew further when he reTurned with a bag of biscuit packets and began hawking...
Demonetisation hits MSMEs hard, output plunges to 50% of capacity; labour unrest fears haunt sector -Abheri Raychaudhuri
-The Financial Express Ahmedabad: With production having slowed down to about 50% for most micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) since the demonetisation of R500 and R1,000 notes by the Centre, a spectre of unrest is beginning to haunt labour-intensive sectors such as the textile and chemicals units in Gujarat. “There are two lakh registered MSME units in Gujarat, several of which form ancillary units for the textile industry such as for...
More »Narendra Modi's crop insurance scheme has few takers -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Only 23.6% of farmers enrolled for the scheme in 2016, against 22.2% in 2015 New Delhi: Despite setting an ambitious target to cover half of all farmers under crop insurance, the first season rollout of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) has been tepid. According to the agriculTure ministry, during the kharif 2016 season beginning June this year, 32.6 million farmers enrolled under PMFBY. While that is a 6.3% rise in...
More »Rural distress -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline.in To rural India, which is already reeling under multiple crises, demonetisation has come as yet another blow. WHEN the Prime Minister made the decision to withdraw Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 notes, he did not quite factor in the impact it would have on agriculTure. Despite the rhetoric the concept of digital wallets has not yet entered rural India unlike in much of the country’s urban areas, and much of rural and...
More »Demonetisation Alone Can't Turn AgriculTural Markets Cashless -Nidhi Aggrawal and Sudha Narayanan
-TheWire.in A large chunk of India’s farmers continue to depend on commission agents and not formal institutions for credit, thereby relying on cash. It is now official. Demonetisation has led to an implosion of agriculTural trade in the country. In the week following demonetisation, soyabean arrivals in select major states had collapsed by 87% relative to average arrivals over the week preceding demonetisation. The figures were 55% for paddy, 61% for guar,...
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