-The Indian Express An example is the Karnataka government’s Ksheera Bhagya scheme, which offers free milk over and above the MDM food entitlement. The shutting down of schools due to Covid-19 is affecting not only children, now unable to access cooked nutritional food under the Mid Day MEAl (MDM) scheme, but also farmers for whom it provided an assured market. An example is the Karnataka government’s Ksheera Bhagya scheme, which offers free milk...
Wanted: An urban equivalent of MGNREGA -Amit Basole and Rakshita Swamy
-Down to Earth Such a programme is the need of the hour not only as a MEAsure to revive the urban economy now, but also to mitigate any further shocks to it in the future The collective memory of how India lived through the world’s largest lockdown will be seared by images of how our state and society dealt with the country’s workers. Left largely to fend for themselves, millions living in...
More »Dreams and doubts of a green revival -Jaideep Hardikar
-Livemint.com * The pandemic-induced global pause resulted in several visible environmental gains. Will they last? * A controversy is brewing over the government’s efforts to push through radical changes to the country’s environmental laws, which seek to further dilute environmental protections NAGPUR: Teeming wildlife; cities breathing fresh air; and clearer rivers. Those were all small signs of hope amid a dire, once-in-a-century pandemic. Nature was supposedly healing. At one point in April, an...
More »Green-lighting ecological decimation amidst a pandemic -Chitrangada Choudhury and Aniket Aga
-The Hindu Projects in critical forest habitats are being considered or have been given clearance by the Environment Ministry Few countries are witnessing such severe direct and indirect devastation on account of the COVID-19 pandemic as India. Yet, there is little attention on the roots of our vulnerability. Our challenge is hardly limited to escaping a virus with lockdowns and masks in the short term, and vaccination in the long term. It would...
More »Can MGNREGA be a tool for post-COVID-19 rural recovery -Shilp Verma
-Down to Earth Agriculture is the least-affected sector of the economy. It is poised to gain and lead economy’s revival process ‘Year of COVID-19’— this is how 2020 is probably going to be remembered. It has been more than six months that the novel coronavirus disease has been dominating public discourse, news cycles, internet searches and even geopolitics. As on July 8, 2020, India had more than 0.7 million cases. It was among...
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