-The Hindu Bal Swaraj said they included children aged between zero and 17 orphaned or abandoned during the pandemic since March 2020. Bal Swaraj, an online tracking portal of a national child rights body, shows details of nearly 10,000 children in the country in immediate need of care and protection. They include children aged between zero and 17 orphaned or abandoned during the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. The National Commission for Protection...
The inadequate food safety net -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu Business Line/ NetworkIdeas.org With India experiencing a severe second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing decentralized lockdowns, a crisis of loss of jobs and livelihoods and resulting hunger is being reported from across the country. A reluctant central government has, therefore, been forced to revive the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY), to distribute 5 kilograms of free foodgrain per person per month to the approximately 80 crore...
More »GDP shrinks by 7.3%; Q4 uptick moderates 2020-21 carnage -Vikas Dhoot
-The Hindu On inflation, the Chief Economic Adviser said it is expected to be range-bound and should not exceed the prescribed level. India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted by 7.3% in 2020-21, as per provisional National Income estimates released by the National Statistical Office on Monday, marginally better than the 8% contraction in the economy projected earlier. GDP growth in 2019-20, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, was 4%. The Gross Value Added (GVA)...
More »1.75 crore vaccine doses available with States, says Health Ministry
-The Hindu States urged to increase near-to-home vaccination centres. More than 1.75 crore COVID vaccine doses are still available with the States and Union Territories, the Health Ministry claimed in a release on Monday, adding that more than 2.73 lakh (2,73,970) vaccine doses are in the pipeline and will be received by the States and Union Territories within the next three days. “The Central government has so far provided, both through the free...
More »Bengaluru food delivery workers protest for COVID relief package, vaccine priority
-TheNewsMinute.com The workers said that they have been working round the clock during the lockdown, but their services are unrecognised by the government. Delivery partners from across app-based delivery services like Zomato, Swiggy and Dunzo started an online protest on Saturday, May 29, to be included in the state government’s relief package for workers in the unorganised sector. They also demand that they receive the COVID-19 vaccine on priority along with their...
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