-The Hindu Outgoing Central Information Commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu flags the impact of growing vacancies in the Commission Central Information Commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu, who took on the Prime Minister’s Office and the Reserve Bank of India in a case dealing with the non-disclosure of wilful defaulters of major bank loans, warned on his last day hearing RTI appeals that by December, he and three other CICs would retire, leaving the Central Information Commission...
Spike in Govt requests to Facebook for information, user accounts -Karishma Mehrotra
-The Indian Express The request for information has consistently increased from just eight in the first six months of 2013 to 16,580 in the first half of 2018. While the Government has steadily decreased its requests for content to be taken off Facebook, there has been a surge in its requests for “information” and “user accounts”. Since 2015, there has been an estimated 63% increase in Facebook accounts in India and...
More »Nestle drops scientific meet on baby food -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India sees no science in the session, just industry promotion The global food-maker Nestle cancelled a “scientific session” on infant formulas it planned to host for paediatricians in New Delhi on Friday after speakers declined invitations amid concerns the meeting would violate Laws on infant food substitutes. Two paediatricians invited to speak at the session — titled “Infant formulas: Paediatricians dilemma” — informed the company they would...
More »Monsanto's profits, not Diwali, creating smoke in Delhi -Arvind Kumar
-SundayGuardianLive.com In December 2017, this newspaper exposed in an article entitled “Law aiding Monsanto is reason for Delhi’s smoke season” how a Law to help Monsanto was the reason for the Delhi metropolitan region being blanketed in smoke every November. That Law, the Punjab Preservation of Subsoil Water Act of 2009, imposed a delay on farmers who wanted to plant rice. The delay in planting in turn created a delay in...
More »Administrative laxity is responsible for failure to check air pollution
-The Telegraph However, it is true that administrative agencies cannot act without a nod from their political masters It is, as always, a question of will. The highest court of the land has demonstrated its will over and over again, coming to the aid of India’s citizens by delivering them from a clutch of threats. Its recent ruling banning noisy, toxic firecrackers can be cited as one example of a deliverance that...
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