-The New Indian Express Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has emerged among the strongest voices against the Food Security Bill, which is being pushed by the UPA government. She recently wrote to the Prime Minister asking him to exempt Tamil Nadu from the implementation of the ordinance that brought the Food Security Bill into force. Apart from the political overtones that such a request might be seen to have,...
Five questions govt needs to answer on food security -Vivek Kaul
-First Post Sonia Gandhi wants the chief ministers of fourteen states in which the Congress party is in power to role out the food security scheme in letter and spirit, and in quick time. Some media reports suggest that the scheme will be rolled out on August 20, which also happens to be the birth anniversary of Sonia's late husband Rajiv Gandhi. While there seems to be a great hurry to launch...
More »India's food security bill: an inadequate remedy?-Ravi S Jha
-The Guardian A landmark bill to make the right to food a legal entitlement is mired in controversy over its failure to address a flawed public food distribution system, misplaced priorities and exclusions India has an over abundance of food grains stocked in warehouses, yet millions of India's poor are left without food. Development practitioners and NGOs are in favour of disbanding the current food security system, the public distribution system (PDS),...
More »The modest food security Bill-Jean Drèze
-The Business Standard The right to food is finally becoming a lively political issue in India. Aware of the forthcoming general elections, parties are competing to demonstrate - or at least proclaim - their commitment to food security. In a country where endemic undernutrition has been accepted for too long as natural, this is a breakthrough of sorts. The food security Bill is a modest initiative. It consolidates various food-related programmes and...
More »Mamata Banerjee slams judiciary for poll 'game plan'
-The Times of India LALGARH: After the State Election Commission, it was the judiciary's turn on Monday. Speaking at an election meeting in Lalgarh, chief minister Mamata Banerjee came down heavily on the judiciary for its "game plan" regarding the rural polls. "We were forced to submit before the game plan of the court and the State Election Commission to let the panchayat elections take place in the month of Ramzan as...
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