-The Times of India The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC), which is under a cloud over irregularities in recruitments over the past couple of months, has now extended its dubious streak of not being transparent enough. It has reportedly denied information to an rti petition on the recruitment of assistant directors of the Town and Country Planning department despite two orders from the high court and two directions from the...
Special session to dispose of pending rti appeals from Mumbai HQ by Prajakta Chavan
To dispose of pending Right To Information (rti) appeals, state information commissioner Vijay Kuvalekar will hold Special Appeal Disposal Programme at Ramnath Anandilal Podar Medical College (Ayurved) in Worli on January 4, 5 and 6. Till November 30, more than 19,000 appeals were pending with the state information commission office. Almost 2,200-2,500 new appeals are filed in the state every month. “As part of this programme, the appellant, public information officer (PIO)...
More »Special drive to clear rti backlog
-The Times of India Work at the offices of information commissioners across the state has slowed down due to staff shortage, resulting in a pile of 19,000 pending rti appeals. Of the 144 posts sanctioned by the state for the eight benches of state information commissioners, including the chief, 50 have not been filled. Apart from pending appeals, there are 3,447 complaints that need to be addressed. rti activist Mohammed Afzal said...
More »rti activist claims threat to life from official
-The Hindu Right to Information (rti) activist R. Marijoseph has alleged that Hassan Taluk Panchayat Executive Officer threatened to kill him for seeking information about irregularities in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). Speaking to presspersons here on Saturday, Mr. Marijoseph said the Dalit Vimochana Manava Hakkugala Vedike, under his leadership, had staged a protest on Thursday, demanding inquiry into irregularities in projects under MNREGA in many gram panchayats...
More »rti hurdles aplenty by Manju V
From 1,865 in 2006, the backlog of applications at the Central Information Commission has swelled to above 22,700. Activists say the rti Act will lose its bite in a few years if the present state of affairs continues. In September 2006, an rti applicant sought a simple list of schemes approved under the Urban Land Ceiling Act. The government department concerned demanded Rs 16 lakh from him. He appealed against...
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