-The Indian Express The owners of Republic media and News Nation have been named as wanted accused in the chargesheet. The police said they were likely to charge them in a supplementary chargesheet later. The Mumbai Police Crime Branch on Monday filed a 1,400-page chargesheet in the alleged fake Television Rating Points (TRP) case, naming six channels, including those of Republic Media Network and News Nation, as allegedly paying money to boost...
80% of sexual violence against Dalit women committed by dominant caste men: Report
-National Herald This report by Swabhiman Society, a organisation led by Dalit women, and international women’s rights organisation Equality Now examined cases which occurred over a span of 12 years, from 2009 - 2020 At least 80% of the sexual violence cases against Dalit women and girls were committed by men from dominant castes in Haryana and only 10% of cases examined ended with the successful conviction of all those charged. Moreover,...
More »‘Mol ki bahuein’ -- the women Haryana’s men buy as brides -Jyoti Yadav
-ThePrint.in This report, which won the Laadli Media Award for gender sensitivity this week, explores the lives of women from other parts of India who are bought as brides for Haryana's men. New Delhi: In 2019, I travelled across Haryana to uncover the ugly truth behind the widely prevalent practice of ‘bride-buying’ in the state, and the scarred lives many of its victims live. These women are called ‘Paro’ and ‘mol ki...
More »MP: ‘Over 37,000 Kilometres of Tribal Land to be Handed Over to Corporates’ -Sumedha Pal
-Newsclick.in The state government is said to be formalising plans to give 40% of "degraded forest land" to private firms, allege activists. New Delhi: Amidst the ongoing battle by tribal communities in India to formalise their land claims, the Madhya Pradesh government has reportedly proposed the privatisation of 40% of “degraded forest land” to private firms. The government claims that this land is wasteland and has degraded for multiple reasons, and that private...
More »Harsh Kerala law brings 5yr jail for content ‘that could insult’ people, media under lens too -Rohini Swamy
-ThePrint.in Kerala Governor Saturday signed ordinance seeking amendment to Kerala Police Act to control online bullying and virtual abuse of women, children. Bengaluru: Kerala journalists are viewing the Kerala Police Act Amendment ordinance as a new attempt to gag the media, saying the new legality gives the state legal grounds to object to reports the ruling party may deem unfavourable. Governor Arif Mohammed Khan Saturday signed the ordinance seeking an amendment to the...
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