Monsanto licencees have earned over Rs 1,500 crore since 2002. A quiet but determined battle is being fought in the courts, and outside, by US agricultural biotech giant Monsanto, its Indian affiliates and seed lobbyists to free the prices of genetically modified Bt cotton from state government control. At stake is huge business running into several thousand crore of rupees, with royalty alone on the Bt cotton seeds grossing over Rs...
‘Unless farm sector delivers incomes to farmers, growth will not be inclusive' by Gargi Parsai
Depletion of ground water in Punjab and elsewhere cannot continue, says Abhijit Sen ‘…The agriculture sector remained much more devoid of knowledge than any other…' Necessary to increase investment in research due to scarcity of natural resources At a time when agriculture growth is projected at 5 per cent for 2010-11 based on predictions of a normal monsoon, Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen says that “unless the sector delivers incomes to farmers,...
More »Aila-hit Sunderbans inhabitants seek livelihood elsewhere by Ananya Dutta
In the year that has gone by since cyclone Aila devastated the Sunderbans, livelihood opportunities have dried up for the inhabitants of the region. The situation has arisen from a failed crops, dwindling fish catches and absence of enterprise and resulted in large scale emigration from the islands. Daily-wagers, who depended on finding work as agricultural labour, are the worst hit. Vast stretches of croplands have been rendered infertile after they remained...
More »Beware, toxins in your plate by Gurdeep Singh Mann
So you think the ‘fresh-from-villages’ fruits and vegetables are actually safe and healthy to eat? However, there is more to what meets the eye. With groundwater having receded as much as 300 feet, farmers in the area have resorted to growing vegetables and seasonal crops using sewerage water laced with industrial pollutants. The primary source of surface water is a 150-km long rivulet that flows from Mohali to Ratia in Haryana...
More »India embroiled in bitterly contested GM debate by Chris Morris
In the cotton fields of Vidarbha in central India, grief is a constant companion. Wherever you turn, there are heart-breaking stories of suicide. In the village of Mangi, friends and family are preparing the body of Laxman Tekam for burial. Women are wailing and men have tears streaming down their cheeks. Laxman was a cotton farmer who hanged himself from the roof beam of his small house after his debts...
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