-Rediff.com On July 14, the Nagpur bench of the Bombay high court commuted the death sentence awarded to six convicts in the Khairlanji murder case to 25 years' rigorous imprisonment. On September 29, 2006, a mob brutally raped a mother and daughter before killing them along with her two sons. Surekha Bhotmange (then 42), Priyanka Bhotmange (17), Roshan Bhotmange (19) and Sudhir Bhotmange (21) belonged to one of the three Dalit families...
This land is my land-Garga Chatterjee
-The Friday Times How are demographics changing in Assam and Bengal? And what does this mean for 'indigenous' communities? Garga Chatterjee considers the argument for territorial purity The Assam state of the Indian Union has seen violence flare up suddenly from July 6th. With more than 40 people reported dead and upwards of one and a half lakh displaced in a week, the Kokrajhar riots between Bodos and Muslims have again brought...
More »Army officers involved in arms racket, Supreme Court told-Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India Months after the Army punished 73 officers for illegal sale of their non-service weapons to arms dealers in Rajasthan's border districts, the Supreme Court was told on Monday that Army units deputed in Jammu and Kashmir were found to be involved in 104 cases of sale purchase of weapons of various types. The Army was forced to take action against its officers after the Supreme Court raised security...
More »Centre Left Punjab Out of Drought Relief Ambit: Badal
-PTI Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today alleged that the state was "deliberately left out" by the Centre when announcements were being made for relief packages for states facing drought-like situation. Referring to the relief announced by the Centre for some states like Gujarat, Maharashta and Haryana in view of drought like situation, Badal said "it is unfortunate that Punjab was deliberately left out of its ambit despite the fact that...
More »Fodder Supply Affected in Drought-Hit States
-PTI Drought-hit states like Karnataka, Gujarat and Maharashtra are facing acute shortage of fodder and have petitioned the Centre to urgently address the issue as it could affect dairy industry. The chief ministers of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat -- the worst drought-affected states -- have also asked the Centre to bear at least 75 per cent cost of the agriculture loan they are waiving in the states to rescue farmers from severe...
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