-PTI A maximum of 247 communal violence-related incidents, which claimed 77 lives, took place in Uttar Pradesh in 2013, the government told Rajya Sabha today. Maharashtra came next with 88 communal violence incidents last year followed by Madhya Pradesh (84), Karnataka (73), Gujarat (68), Bihar (63) and Rajasthan (52). While 12 people were killed in Maharashtra in these incidents, 11 people were killed in MP during the same period. Uttar Pradesh...
Treatment alone will not win war on cancer: prevention is crucial, UN reports
-The United Nations With new cancer cases worldwide expected to rise from 14 million to 22 million per year within the next two decades, and annual cancer deaths rising from 8.2 million to 13 million, the United Nations today called for multipronged preventive action including treaties and laws extending tobacco-style restrictions to alcohol and sweetened beverages. "More commitment to prevention and early detection is desperately needed in order to complement improved treatments...
More »NCPRI dharna demanding the passage of the Grievance Redress Bill & the Whistleblowers Protection Bill
-National Campaign for People's Right to Information Press Release New Delhi: The NCPRI held a dharna outside the Congress office in the morning to demand the passage of the Grievance Redress Bill & the Whistleblowers Protection Bill. Families of whistleblowers from across the country had joined the dharna. Families and colleagues of Satyendra Dubey, Ram Thakur and Shimbu Bishnoi were present at the Dharna. Rahul Gandhi, leader of the Congress...
More »Cancer cases set to rise by half by 2030: UN
-AFP PARIS: New cases of cancer will rise by half by 2030, reaching 21.6 million per year compared to 14 million in 2012, the UN said on Monday in a global analysis of the scourge. Cancer deaths, meanwhile, will likely rise from 8.2 million to 13 million per year as the world's population grows and ages and more people adopt risky lifestyle habits, said the report compiled by the International Agency for...
More »‘Being counted makes children visible’ says UNICEF in new data-driven report
-The United Nations Urging greater efforts to identify and address the gaps that prevent the most disadvantaged of the world's 2.2 billion children from enjoying their rights, the United Nations released an innovative new report today spotlighting the importance of data in targeting funds and action to reach those who need it most. "Data have made it possible to save and improve the lives of millions of children, especially the most deprived,"...
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