The government plans to hike diesel prices by up to Rs 3 a litre soon after the assembly elections in five states are over next week, while an equivalent steep increase in petrol rates is also on card. "An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee is scheduled to meet on May 11 to mull on a hike in diesel prices," a top government official, refusing to...
Centre has open mind on issue, PM tells delegation
As Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan led a fast in Thiruvananthapuram on Monday, demanding a nationwide ban on Endosulfan, the Union government on Monday said it would take a view on the issue “in the best interest of the country” after the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) submitted its report. Consensus needed “The use of Endosulfan has been banned in Kerala. However, imposing a nationwide ban would require national consensus backed...
More »Achuthanandan leads fast seeking ban on Endosulfan
Coincides with Conference of Parties to Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants in Geneva Kerala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan went on a seven-hour fast at the Martyrs' Column here on Monday demanding a ban on Endosulfan and seeking Central assistance for the victims of the pesticide. About 500 people from different walks of life joined the fast, held as part of a State-wide observation of Anti-Endosulfan Day by the government. Later, they...
More »For performers, incumbency helps by Poonam Gupta
The 2009 Parliamentary election returned the Congress party to power with more seats than even the most optimistic predictions. From 145 seats in 2004, the Congress increased its tally to 206 seats. No doubt, the five-year UPA rule had been characterised by unprecedented growth, but this is too simplistic an explanation since the Congress’s performance varied widely across the states in the elections. For instance, it won just nine out...
More »I won't disclose my assets: KG Balakrishnan by Dakshina Muraleedharan
Former Chief Justic of India KG Balakrishnan does a U-turn on disclosing his assets. Justic Balakrishnan has informed the Inecome Tax Department that he does not want to disclose his assets because it is not related to public welfare in any way. Under intense pressure, former CJI and the current NHRC chief had early this month agreed to publicise details of his assets. The ex-CJI has faced allegations that he has wealth that...
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