-The Hindu The Registrar-General of India (RGI) is preparing to conduct field trials of the first phase of the Census and the National Population Register (NPR) using a mobile application in all the States and Union Territories, a senior government official told The Hindu. The first phase involving house listing and housing census, along with updating the NPR, was scheduled from April 1 last year, but was postponed indefinitely due to the...
Covid Vaccine Jab Capped At ₹ 250 At Private Hospitals: Government -Divyanshu Dutta Roy
-NDTV.com India is preparing to widen coverage beyond the 1.15 crore health and front-line workers immunised since January 16 starting Monday. New Delhi: Coronavirus vaccines will be capped at ₹ 250 per shot at private hospitals and health centres, the Health Ministry said on Saturday. Vaccines will be free in all government hospitals and centres. The government on Friday had said it will let people choose their coronavirus vaccination centres when the campaign...
More »First shipment of Covid vaccines from India under COVAX likely this week: WHO's Soumya Swaminathan
-PTI/ Livemint.com WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan said many countries around the world are waiting for the distribution to happen as they have been watching vaccination programmes beginning and scaling in high-income countries Hyderabad: The first shipment from India under COVAX, the global initiative to ensure rapid and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for all countries, is likely to roll out this week, WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan said on Monday. "Not...
More »Recovery from pandemic may take years. Government must invest in welfare projects -Nishtha Tewari
-The Indian Express The current scenario is ideal for policymakers and practitioners to drive home the importance of health spending and institutional development With the first batch of anti-COVID vaccines being rolled out, the mood of the nation seems to be upbeat as it bids farewell to the pain and anguish of last year. The emergency-use approval to the vaccine developed by Oxford University and the Swedish-British pharma major AstraZeneca, manufactured in...
More »Don’t doubt Indian vaccines -G Padmanaban
-The Hindu vaccination is important to prevent a second wave Several people have questioned the emergency approval given to the indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine. They have demanded efficacy data and cast aspersions on the regulatory machinery. Such views will only increase vaccine hesitancy. It is not the case that the vaccine developed indigenously is being pushed by vested interests, while the international vaccines are great. Questions have been raised about the Moderna and...
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