-The Hindu Health protection scheme for 10.74 crore beneficiary families and 50 crore Indian citizens The healthcare sector has welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s announcement in his Independence Day address that the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Abhiyaan, also known as Ayushman Bharat or the National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM), will be launched on September 25. The government-sponsored health insurance scheme will provide free coverage of up to ?5 lakh a family a year...
Amarjeet Sinha, Rural development secretary, interviewed by Sayantan Bera and Elizabeth Roche (Livemint.com)
-Livemint.com Rural development secretary Amarjeet Sinha on how MGNREGS has evolved since 2006 to result in income, acreage, water tables, productivity and fodder availability Agrarian distress and rural distress are terms used interchangeably, but the rural economy today is very different from what it was many years ago, given the diversification of rural incomes and hence incorrect to think one means the other, says Amarjeet Sinha, secretary, ministry of rural development. In...
More »Pawan Agarwal, CEO, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), interviewed by Jyoti Shelar (The Hindu)
-The Hindu FSSAI’s The Eat Right Movement seeks to push manufacturers and consumers towards healthier choices The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) recently started The Eat Right Movement, a nationwide campaign to improve public health and push the food industry to produce healthier choices. Thirty companies, including 18 packaged food companies, have signed various associations with the regulator to bring down salt, sugar and trans fat content in their...
More »Modi's Gas for the Poor Scheme Marred by Data Inflation, Poor Implementation -Ravi Nair
-TheWire.in Apart from subsuming all earlier Central and state schemes under the PMUY to boost numbers, a major proportion of scheme beneficiaries cannot afford to use gas despite getting a free connection. New Delhi: The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) is one of the flagship schemes of the Narendra Modi government. Officially launched on May 1, 2016, the government regards it as one of its greatest success stories. The official claim is...
More »Jharkhand's Khunti: Multiple narratives, one story of migration, bonded labour and hunger
-PTI Many of Jharkhand's immigrant women labourers are lured by touts into becoming domestic workers in cities and are often reduced to bonded labourers. KHUNTI: Her eyes sunk deep in their sockets, Suggi Mundain stares blankly at the wall of her bare-bones hut, her vacant gaze speaking of a once happy family torn apart by grinding poverty, and telling a societal tale of migration and exploitation. The 60-year-old, her face wrinkled beyond her...
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