A Local court in Maharashtra has upheld a farmer's plea that India's first family had fraudulently usurped a little more than one hectare of his farmland. Surprisingly, the order was made last December 7 but never made public since the order wasn't given to either party until Tuesday. In the order, the court of Daryapur subdivisional officer Ashok Amankar directed striking off the names of President Pratibha Patil Shekhawat's family...
First Husband blow by Satish Nandgaonkar
A revenue court in Vidarbha has issued orders restoring a disputed piece of land to a poor farmer who alleged that six relatives of President Pratibha Patil, including her husband Devisinh Shekhawat, had tried to illegally transfer the plot in their names. Ashok Amankar, the sub-divisional officer (SDO) of Daryapur, who has quasi-judicial powers, issued orders stating that the names of Devisinh, his sister-in-law Siddeshwar Lalsinh Shekhawat, her sons Bhanwarsinh, Kishoresinh...
More »Campaign in many Avatars
Vedanta Resources is under fire from heaven and earth, and even Hollywood has been asked to join in. Tribal rights campaigner Survival International has appealed to Avatar director James Cameron, through an advertisement in US entertainment magazine Variety, to help it stop the company from mining for bauxite in an Orissa forest. The ad drew parallels between the Na’vi tribe in Avatar, who try to stop humans from mining under their sacred...
More »Who gives a brinjal?
In India, the Bt Brinjal is a hot potato. Never has the eggplant - still cheap in an inflation-hit country - attracted so much attention. "Brief 38", a primer on Bt Brinjal - the country's first genetically modified (GM) food - brought out by the International Service for Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, is being downloaded 10,000 times a month. Genetically modified crops resist pests and give better yields as well as nutrition....
More »Green Hunt: the anatomy of an operation by Aman Sethi
Away from the gaze of the media and the judiciary, the adivasis of Bastar are paying a heavy price … for just being there. An operation is underway in Central India, but no one really knows what it is. Variously described as a media myth, a comprehensive hearts and minds strategy, and an all-out offensive by paramilitary forces and the state forces along the borders of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh...
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