-The Times of India Over two crore households have been denied work under the fund-starved rural job guarantee scheme in the past eight months. This is a direct result of the deep cuts in funding of the scheme and various other changes initiated by the Modi government. With the employment situation still dire and the new government's long-term efforts to catalyze industrial growth still on the drawing board, the failure of...
Model in a fix -Anupam Chakravartty
-Down to Earth Chhattisgarh's much appreciated public distribution scheme is falling apart due to corruption and mismanagement As chhattisgarh prepares for panchayat election at the end of the year, the fate of ration card holders in the state is in limbo. During a verification drive in July-August, the state government found almost 1.3 million "unnecessary" ration cards in the possession of people. These cards have been taken back by the government and...
More »Why axe only MGNREGA? Mr Modi, we need to talk -Abhijit Banerjee
-The Hindustan Times One does not have to agree with his views to be intrigued by the possibilities opened up by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's emergence as communicator/harangue-master in chief. Public conversations about who we are and who we want to be are key to the vitality of our democracy, and leaders can seed those conversations when they speak out their own views. When I hear people in the Delhi metro...
More »Overdependence on China for drug ingredients worries NSA -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India runs the risk of a severe shortage of medicines because of its over dependence on China for sourcing raw material for drugs, national security adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval has warned, TOI has learnt. According to the NSA, India should take immediate concrete steps to create adequate infrastructure to become self-sufficient for manufacturing medicines which are essential in nature. "The national security adviser had highlighted concerns related...
More »Farmers demand organic fertilizers for crop nutrition
-The Hindu Vellore (Tamil Nadu): Farmers have urged the district administration to provide organic fertilizers to restore soil fertility and improve nutrition of the crops. At the farmers' grievance redressal meeting on Friday, a farmer, Pichandi of Serpadi village said the nutrients in the soil were destroyed by using fertilizers such as urea, potash and complex in the last few decades. "Nearly 35 years ago, the government distributed neeli seeds, known as...
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