-The Hindu The CEO of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana on the challenges and scope of the scheme and responses from the States Indu Bhushan is the CEO of the world’s largest government-funded health insurance scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 23. Until his appointment as CEO of PM-JAY, Mr. Bhushan served as director general for the East Asia...
Violating CIC Orders, MEA Withholds Names of Those Who Accompanied Modi on Foreign Visits -Dheeraj Mishra
-TheWire.in In response to an RTI query in the matter, the ministry stated: "If this information is disclosed, it will have an impact on India's sovereignty and integrity as also on the country's security, and strategic, scientific and economic interests." New Delhi: Last month, the Central Information Commission (CIC) had asked the Ministry of External Affairs to disclose the names of the government and private individuals who had accompanied Prime Minister Narendra...
More »Widespread privatisation marginalises the poor: UN report -Maitri Porecha
-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: Widespread privatisation of public goods in many societies is systematically eliminating human rights protections and further marginalising those living in poverty, according to a new report, released by the United Nations (UN). The 25-page report by the UN is eye-opening in the light of Indian government think-tank Niti Aayog releasing Guidelines for Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for tackling Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in government-run district hospitals. Niti Aayog's...
More »What Is Affecting the Performance of the Public Sector? -Kiran Bhatty and Dipa Sinha
-TheWire.in Most of the ‘reforms’ that are being introduced to address poor delivery of social services are silent on the issue of inadequate human resources, among other shortfalls in capacity. The poor performance of the public sector especially in education, health and other social services has been the subject of a lot of debates in the last few decades. The dominant narrative has attributed implementation failures to corruption, lack of accountability, poor...
More »Privatisation Harms Poor and Needy, Says UN Poverty Expert -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in In a report to the UN General Assembly, Philip Alstom urged a rethink by governments as also multilateral bodies, like IMF and World Bank, and even parts of UN. Widespread privatisation of public goods in many societies is systematically eliminating human rights protections and further marginalising those living in poverty, according to a hard-hitting new report. The report was transmitted to the UN General Assembly on 19 October. Philip Alston, the UN...
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