-The Hindustan Times The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday recorded the statement of deputy commissioner of police (Zone 9) Pratap Dighavkar for eight hours in connection with the murder of Pune-based RTI activist Satish Shetty. Dighavkar was the superintendent of police (Pune rural) when Shetty was murdered on January 13, 2010 in Talegaon-Dabhade. A senior CBI official confirmed that Dighavkar's statement was recorded by the central agency at its Pune...
Almost 21 million people worldwide are victims of forced labour, UN finds
-The United Nations Almost 21 million people worldwide are trapped in jobs into which they were coerced or deceived and which they cannot leave, according to new estimates released today by the United Nations labour agency. Released by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the 2012 Global Estimate of Forced Labour found that the Asia-Pacific region accounts for the largest number of the 20.9 million forced labourers in the world – 11.7 million,...
More »Trapped after being forced to say 'I do'-Aruna Kashyap
Punitive measures against girls forced into child marriages should not find a place in government policies, programmes and practices Child brides are not criminals. They cannot be compared to children accused of committing crimes. Anyone who hears a story of a girl forced into marriage before she turned 18 will tell you that she had little choice in the matter. In fact, under Indian law, children convicted as juveniles cannot be...
More »House seal on law against child abuse-Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph Parliament has passed the country’s first comprehensive law on sexual crimes against children, removing several factors that may intimidate a minor while filing complaints. Under the new act — the Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Bill — a child will no longer be treated on a par with an adult in case of sexual abuse. It empowers a child to file a complaint from his or her own room, give...
More »Cartoon row: Mamata loses cool, storms out of live TV session
-PTI West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday lost her cool and stormed out of an interactive TV session here when members of audience asked her about the arrest of a professor for forwarding a cartoon lampooning her. "It is not a cartoon. We love the cartoon. Cartoon is a different thing. He is a CPI (M) man, He misused the e-mail of his society people without their consent. He forwarded...
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