-MoneyControl.com The Narendra Modi government expected demonetisation to extinguish at least Rs 3-4 lakh crore of black money. However, RBI data show that 99% of the money that was invalidated came into the banking system. Meanwhile fresh seizures of black money continue. On November 8, 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared on national television and said that all Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes would become invalid at midnight. The announcement at...
How a History of Broken Promises Has Let Down India's Scheduled Areas -CR Bijoy
-TheWire.in Only six states have the rules necessary to operationalise the PESA Act's provisions – yet the myth that PESA is alive and kicking prevails. A quarter-century ago, on December 24, 1996, the Parliament enacted a law unlike any other in the country. This was India’s first law to actually recognise people’s powers, in the form of the gram sabha at the hamlet level. This path-breaking legislation was the Provisions of the...
More »No quota without quantifiable data -T Ramakrishnan
-The Hindu There is a lack of recent data on the representation of various communities in education and employment The Madras High Court’s recent verdict of quashing the 10.5% special reservation for Vanniyakula Kshatriyas within the overall 20% quota for Most Backward Classes (MBC) and Denotified Communities (DNC) has again highlighted the importance of quantifiable data as a prerequisite for reservation in education and employment. Adopted on the last day of the previous...
More »Clear pending wages of MGNREGS workers, rights groups tell govt.
-The Hindu At least 150 days of work for each household of beneficiaries sought VISAKHAPATNAM: The Human Rights Forum (HRF) and ‘Samalochana’ on Saturday urged the State government to clear pending wages of the beneficiaries of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) immediately. Describing the scheme as the lifeline for millions of rural households amid the economic downturn triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, they said a substantial portion of the...
More »5 reasons why cash is back in the economy after 5 years of demonetisation -Anand Adhikari
-BusinessToday.in Two years prior to demonetisation, the currency, as well as the nominal growth in the economy, was in the range of 10-12 per cent. But in the last two years, currency in circulation has grown by 14-16 per cent whereas the nominal GDP growth has been lower. Five years after demonetisation, the cash in the system is back at a much higher level. The government had demonetised the high-value notes of...
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