The row over a cartoon featuring Dalit leader Ambedkar shows a lack of critical thinking in the Indian polity. The cartoon by Shankar Pillai that caused such pandemonium in the Indian Parliament on 11 May 2012 when various Dalit and non-Dalit members demanded its omission from a Class IX textbook was originally published in 1949. It depicts Dalit leader Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar with a whip riding a snail entitled ‘Constitution’...
Keeping India safe in cyberspace-Shivshankar Menon
There is need to find indigenous technologies and equipment to deal with this constant and undeclared threat There is increasing concern in the strategic community and the general public about cyber security and we are in the final stages of preparing a whole-of-government cyber security architecture. Our increasing dependence on cyberspace and the internet is evident. We had over 100 million internet users in India over two years ago. Add to this...
More »Call to train doctors on domestic violence-Ananya Sengupta
A government panel has recommended that domestic violence should not be treated only as a matter of crime but also as a health issue and medical students should be sensitised to deal with it. The panel has suggested that the medical curriculum be tweaked to include ways in which doctors can address the problem of domestic violence if they suspect a woman patient is facing it at home. “We realised that the...
More »Government working on private sector corruption law-Aloke Tikku
In an attempt to bring the fight against bribery to the private sector, the home ministry is working on tough amendments to the anti-corruption law. The amendments, if passed, will be so tough that tipping the parking attendant in your office for a better slot could leave you facing jail time. It will make receiving a gift a crime, if it a court says it was in return for undue...
More »DNA profiling: Very soon, govt will know you inside out-Neeraj Thakur & Saikat Datta
In a controversial move that threatens to increase the intrusion by the state into the lives of ordinary citizens, the UPA government is set to introduce a DNA Profiling Bill in the winter session of Parliament. Once it becomes a law, the bill will grant the authority to collect vast amount of sensitive DNA data of citizens even if they are "suspects" in a criminal case. The data will be...
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