-PTI Prime Minister manmohan singh on Sunday announced a financial assistance of Rs 50,000 to those seriously injured and Rs 10,000 for people who suffered minor injuries during violence at Bhatta Parsaul villages in Greater Noida recently. A statement issued by the PMO said the Prime Minister has announced the financial assistance for farmers and their family members injured during the recent incidents at Bhatta Parsaul and other areas in Gautam...
Lokpal talks not inclusive by Chetan Chauhan
Within two months of constitution of the joint drafting committee on Jan Lokpal Bill, a civil society group has termed deliberations as “non-inclusive” in a clear indication of growing dissent over the working of the committee. In a similar letter written to two co-chairpersons of the committee, finance minister Pranab Mukerjee and Shanti Bhushan, who represents civil society, the National Campaign for People’s Right To Information (NCPRI) said even though the...
More »UP farmers' stir: Sachin Pilot arrested on his way to Greater Noida, released
-PTI Congress leader and Union minister Sachin Pilot was on Sunday arrested and then released by Uttar Pradesh Police while he was on his way to violence-hit Bhatta-Parsaul to meet families of farmers injured in the recent agitation on land acquisition. Union minister of state for information technology Pilot, along with around 100 supporters, first went to Dasna jail to meet farmers from Bhatta and Parsaul villages lodged there since the...
More »NCW backs Rahul's claim by Aarti Dhar
The National Commission for Women (NCW) on Saturday backed Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi's claim of mass killing and rape by the police in Greater Noida villages after protests over land acquisition. The NCW alleged that women were molested, stripped and raped and people were burnt alive, and sought a CBI probe to “bring out the truth.” The charge came a day after the All-India Democratic Women's Association said it found...
More »Questions raised about procedures adopted by Lokpal panel by Gargi Parsai
Even as the government indicated after the last meeting of the Lokpal Bill joint drafting committee (JDC) that it would initiate drafting the Bill on agreed points, the National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) on Saturday raised several questions about the procedures being adopted by the panel, as well on the “official” public consultation that should take place. Discounting the lokpalbillconsultations.org website, launched by the panel's civil society members...
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