The only difference is in revenue loss, which the investigating agency CBI put at Rs.30,984 crore The Central Bureau of Investigation's first charge sheet in the 2G spectrum allocation scam is almost identical to what the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG) said, except for the figure of revenue loss, which the CBI has put at Rs.30,984 crore. The CBI agrees with the CAG audit findings that the former Telecom Minister, A....
Is Rajasthan Government Selling Farmers’ Interests? by Bharat Dogra
DEALS WITH MULTINATIONALS AND OTHER BIG AGRIBUSINESS COMPANIES A wide range of farmers’ organisations, Gandhian organisations, people’s movements and NGOs have united to oppose a series of disturbing agreements which the Rajasthan Government reached with various multinational and other agribusiness companies including Monsanto. These agreements, which greatly increase the control and influence of these companies over the agriculture sector in India’s biggest State (in terms of area), have proved so controversial...
More »Dr Arvind Virmani, Affiliate Professor (& Distinguished Senior Fellow), George Mason University (School of Public Policy-CEMP), and Executive Director, IMF interviewed by TCA Srinivasa-Raghavan
Given a positive regulatory environment, banks and other financial intermediaries will certainly be interested in using the smart card opportunity. Dr Arvind Virmani, with a Ph.D. from Harvard and 30 years of professional experience, is one of the most valued economists in the Government. Before he retired as Chief Economic Advisor in 2009, he had served in the Finance Ministry and the Planning Commission. A researcher par excellence, his research papers...
More »New MGNREGA social audit norms to make them independent by Anindo Dey
The social audit of schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA) now permits the involvement of outsiders in the process as facilitators. A new set of rules framed by the ministry of rural development for such audits has been approved. Christened Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Audits of Schemes Rules 2011, the rules ensure the audit process is independent of agencies implementing the scheme and the...
More »Aruna Roy, Magsaysay award winner and former bureaucrat interviewed by Danish Raza
Aruna Roy, a Magsaysay award winner former bureaucrat, was closely involved in the drafting of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. As a member of the UPA's National Advisory Council (NAC), among other things, she has been conveying to the government the views of civil society on the proposed changes in the transparency act. On the sidelines of 3rd national convention of National Campaign for People’s Right to Information, held...
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