-Newsclick.in The Finance Minister of Uttar Pradesh Rajesh Agarwal presented the Budget for financial year 2018-19 on February 16. The State government allocated Rs. 63,223 crores for overall Education sector which is an increase of 10.90% as compared to 2017-18 in which Rs. 56,993 crores were allocated. Out of this amount, Rs. 50,142 crore will be spent on Primary Education, Rs. 9,387 crore on secondary education and Rs. 2,656 on higher education....
Dr. Hameed Nuru, World Food Programme Country Director, interviewed by Soma Basu (The Hindu)
-The Hindu Malnutrition is a complex problem and results from not getting enough food to not getting the right kind of food, says the United Nations WFP (India) Country Director Even with the world's largest subsidised food distribution systems serving 65 million poor families across the country, India continues to be home to a quarter of all malnourished people worldwide. In view of the incredible challenge of improving nutrition for all people...
More »Maharashtra Government takes steps to curb crime by juveniles
-The Indian Express While stating that percentage of juvenile crime was much less compared to other crimes, the Chief Minister said, “Even a marginal increase is a cause of serious concern. And it is our government’s endeavour to make it negligible.” Mumbai: The state government has initiated steps to curb crimes across Maharashtra committed by juveniles. The government is taking even a marginal increase in juvenile crime as a cause for...
More »After Universalising PoS and Iris Readers for PDS, AAP Govt Approves Doorstep Delivery of Rations -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
-TheWire.in Food rights group says this is just a changing of goalposts, questions why rules have not been formulated and state food commission not constituted despite court nudge. New Delhi: Though in order to overcome the problem of exclusions faced due to Aadhaar-linked Point of Sales (PoS) machines installed at ration shops, the Delhi cabinet today approved the scheme for doorstep delivery of rations under the Public Distribution System, food rights activists...
More »What India Really Eats -Balmurli Natrajan and Suraj Jacob
-TheWire.in At a time when food has provided so much grist for the identitarian and nativist mill, it is important to infuse into public discourse a modicum of reason through facts. For long, India has been mythologised as a vegetarian, and particularly beef-eschewing, society. Such a representation has further been ideologically explained (and justified) by a wide range of scholars, politicians and popular discourse by constructing India as a society primarily shaped...
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