-The Hindu Google India was on Thursday dropped from the array of defendants in the civil suit filed against social networking websites for allegedly hosting objectionable content. Administrative civil judge Parveen Singh said here that no case was made out against Google India, which stated that it did not operate any social networking website and that it was merely a software development firm functioning as a subsidiary of Google Inc. The court also...
Food security & the cup of Tantalus by Mani Shankar Aiyar
The key issue is not availability or resources but last mile delivery: how to reach foodgrains to people. In ancient Greece, the punishment given to Tantalus was to tie a cup around his neck and fill it with water. Every time he bent to take a sip, the cup would drop further and he would never get a drop into his parched mouth. From this comes the word “tantalizing”. Something like...
More »Government to discontinue National Family Health Survey-Pramit Bhattacharya
Health ministry instead plans to roll out an integrated national health survey; experts question decision The Union government has decided to discontinue the country’s most reliable and widely tracked health survey, the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), the fourth round of which was to be conducted in 2012-13, in a move that has been criticized by development experts. The ministry of health and family welfare is instead planning to roll out an...
More »RTE status report
-The Pioneer Almost 95.2 per cent of schools are not compliant with the complete set of Right to Education (RTE) infrastructure indicators. These shocking statistics came to light in the two-day RTE Stocktaking Convention which was recently held. The Convention aimed to address the pending gaps and detect the reasons behind the schools missing out on the deadline to meet the basic standard of education as highlighted by the RTE. The RTE...
More »Gujarat massacre: 23 killed, 23 guilty, 23 acquitted
-The Times of India More than a decade after 23 people, mostly women and children, were killed when a mob set ablaze a shelter for Muslims huddled together for safety in Ode during the post-Godhra riots, a Gujarat court on Monday found 23 of the suspects guilty of murder and conspiracy. The Supreme Court-appointed special investigation team (SIT) has sought the death sentence for those convicted of murder. The special court in...
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