Reluctant to reveal the names of top 100 bank loan defaulter businessmen of the country, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court, seeking a stay on the orders passed by the Central Information Commission (CIC). On November 15, CIC, while deciding a petition filed by local rti activist P P Kapoor, had directed the RBI to provide him the names of defaulters by...
Still no leads in Shehla murder case
-PTI More than three months after rti activist Shehla Masood was shot dead in a broad daylight here, investigators are still groping in the dark. Shehla's murder, outside her residence in the posh Koh-e-Fiza locality of Bhopal on August 16, had sparked strong reactions among rti activists. After the local police's probe into the killing failed to yield any result, the Centre ordered a CBI probe into the incident following a request made...
More »Katju wants ‘more teeth' for PCI
-PTI Press Council of India Chairman Justice Markandey Katju has sought “more teeth” for the regulatory body and expansion of its ambit over the electronic media and the Internet for which, he suggested, a legislation should be introduced in Parliament. In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, now made public under the rti Act, Justice Katju said the only power conferred on the Press Council under Section 14(1) of the Act...
More »Cacophony Colonnade by Saba Naqvi
Our democracy is creaking, but it works—nominally at least. What it needs is not dilution, but deepening. When “Too Much Democracy” Works Pressure in Parliament pushes PM Manmohan Singh to secure the resignation of telecom minister A. Raja in the 2G affair The angst and trials of tribals in the Maoist bastion of Dantewada is sensed in Delhi after the media highlights their plight People power at the sites of...
More »rti appeals pile up as pleas to fill vacant posts fall on deaf ears by Prajakta Chavan
-The Hindustan Times Nearly 20,000 Right to Information (rti) appeals concerning central ministries are waiting to be disposed but there just aren't enough hands to do the job. Chief central information commissioner Satyananda Mishra has written at least two letters to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) asking for the five vacancies to the post of chief information commissioner be filled up, but to no avail. The rti Act has sanctioned 10 information...
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